TORTILLAS..... :o)

TORTILLAS - EASY! you can do this!!!

OK..... this is what you need:
3 cups self rising flour
1 tablespoon of oil ( vegetable, olive, or canola)
1 cup water
a mixing bowl
a flat iron, aka: tortorilla ( tore-tor-ree-yah)or griddle or "comal"(co - mall)
rolling pin ( aka: bolillo (bowl- lee-oh)
Makes about 10... increase of course or double if you want more... start out small! kids did not know what a bolillo was in english because I never had a regular rolling pin like my mothers, mine was just a bolillo, so my one daughter calls me from Portales after she had been married for a year, and asks... mom, what is a bolillo in english? I had forgotten the word for a minute and it took me a bit to remember rolling pin. My "bolillo" is like a piece of unpainted broomstick about 12 inches long. My mother-in-laws' was fat and way shorter than what I use.

Ok .... first of all wash your hands ha ha... this could get a bit gooey.........
In your mixing bowl, ( we all have our favorite mixing bowls) add all your flour
Make an impression with your thumb right in the middle of the flour and add a tablespoon of oil


Mix this up with your hand til it becomes grainy like, see pic #1

         Then after all this is mixed, add your water in a well like hole / depression in the center of the mixture..see pic #2


Mix with your finger /s until flour starts to gather and form clumps, then use your hand and make into a ball. Lift all the mixture and kind of hand knead it in the air. ...see #3


Next... let dough "rest" for 5 minutes, this will cause your dough to rise well and become elstic like when you roll out. Gather up the dough in your hand and squeeze out of  your hand and pinch off. Each of these makes one tortilla. See # 4

* You should now heat your skillet on high, it needs to be very hot.This is a good time to go send your family to do other things, like pick up toys, get ready for dinner etc.

Next... roll out , don't worry about being round.. (try to make the states you've been to , or a heart, round is good, but it takes time to learn) then pick it up, kind of take it back and forth between your open hands and slap it down on your flat iron/skillet with the side that you rolled on, on the top side...see #5 

                                            Once the tortilla kind of bubbles the bubbles down and flip over
See #6
Let it sit for a little bit and get the tortilla off by lifting with a fork or something. That iron is HOT!!! Don't burn your finger tips off! Sit the finished tortilla UP right like lean them against the wall in front of you to cool. The first tortilla ALWAYS gets eaten before you can get finished with the rest!  get your dinner ready...
I serve mine with lost of things. Chile... green and red... ( we will give recipes for that later, potatoes, beans, sausage and eggs, bacon etc etc etc...mmmmmmm! )
I store them ( if I have any left) in an air tight bag or container. I usually use a bread sack. My tortillas never last more than 2 days. This recipe usually makes about 10, of course you can always make more! Have fun!! enjoy!