Thursday, December 30, 2010


         HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!!!
 Hope and pray you have a prosperous loving healthy year!
So lets talk about ........*gasp* resolutions.......
What are yours or do you even make any? I used to make them.... meaning more than one... then I tried just one .. usually a big one *L* then forget it...
BUT.... but but but.... this year.. here on  this blog... I am going to make one.. maybe two. ....
Ahem....# 1... to be loving and kind to all I meet and know and not to be critical about or to anyone.  ( that was easy... just gotta remember it... I think that comes easier as you get older... did I just say that? abount getting... older???  Oh my... *L*)
ok ok... Ahem....  # 2... losing some weight... *biting nails... there.. I said it... *  thats it.. no further comment... *L*.. let's do it!!!! AHAHHAHAHA!!!!
Ok... so what's yours??? hmm?? 
Have a wonderful one.... where ever it may be... with whatever job you graciousously are given... with whomever you live it with and what ever you do!
And thats all I gotta say... *S*

Friday, December 24, 2010



MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Well almost... lets think Sock Monkeys for next year... hmmm... Ive got a few I am finishing up today... Here are a few I have made... will post all of them eventually: I made the Grinch for one of my daughters, I made the Curious George for my Principals' grandson. I made that one hippie one for a friend at work who is always giving me something. I have made 2 Cat in the Hats ( they were the best! ) and gave one to my sons' Crama Teacher when the class was doing "Suessical the Musical " .And the other one I sold to my dear friend for her little girl. I have made so many! I love them!!! I will share the pattern later. Right now I gotta get up off this puter and  get busy!! Have a wonderful day! Its the most wonderful time of the year... celebrating the birth of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
God Bless you!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


OHHH yeah.. sock monkeys... DO YOU  HAVE ONE?  I never did. in fact.. I still have yet to make my own. ** writes down a personal note to self... make your sock monkey Kim! *** Ok so I have made about 35... I have made a hippie one....a Cat in the Hat... actually 2 of those... A Curious George...  funkey monkeys and far out monkeys. I have about 10 pairs of socks left and then I will be done. I have a very special sock monkey "in route" hahaha... can't say more than that. So... pictures will be posted soon. Come back! See them! I took pics of every monkey I've made.  I will share some techniques, the patterns.. some important facts that you might want to know before you make your own. AND... I made the cutest sock bunnies last Easter... AND some funky thingamajiggerswhatevertheyare....LOL.....Stay tuned....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

YOU are so wonderful ! Be YOU!!!

Ok.. so I was thinking... I am a fun person. I always get asked to help design something or decorate and boy when I decorate... MOVE OUTTA MY WAY!!! *L* I will decorate!!! ( my car is even decorated inside.. *L*
I know alot.. My parents ( who are simply THE BEST PARENTS ever!) taught me so much! I know how to change a lock on a door... change a flat tire and change oil ( something ALL girls and women should know) ... know how to cook, clean, shovel manure, fix a fence, sew, paint, heal, balance things, make something outta nothing.. turn trash into  art..... and survive!
I always say... I have done just about everything  and can do everything.. I just don't like to knit or crochet. I have done both, but there'e just something about that. I love to quilt, but I want it done FAST! ( not really possible)  I like to do something that shows results in a few hours. I worked on a purse made from a pair of boots and wondered around for DAYS looking for all the right finishing touches. I get something in my mind and am completely obsessed until  its finished. Too bad I cannot write ALL of it down... I might get you back for more..... *L*
I have recently talked to a few women who have no confidence in themselves. My advice to them after I tell them how nice they are  is to GET OVER IT!!!! None of us are perfect... certainly NOT ME! But I am a woman... I jokingly refer to myself as the" dream woman.". I am not hard on the eyes *L*... I can mend fences and cook... I "clean up" real well and have a sweet voice... *L*. I will fight you for my tools and invent new ones. I am very sentimental and do NOT cry at the drop of a hat. My fingernails are short tho' my hands show signs of time, I can still put on a ring and look dressed to kill on a short notice.
So who are you?
 We all are shy.... we all have needs... we ALL can be fun if we are not already! Be BOLD! get over it! Be who you really are!!! God made you and He made NO MISTAKES!!! Watch what you say... do what you say and shut the heck up when you need to.If it takes you putting your hand over your mouth to keep it shut... then do so! Life is short... and let me tell you... there IS a Heaven... there IS a hell! Don't wait to find out in the end !!!
So what are you? A woman? or a wimpy little crybaby whiney girl? get up off your feet girl! Have some faith in yourself and what you have learned in your life so far! Evaluate !!!
Philipians 2:14 Do all things without complaining and disputing.
Don't whine!! Just do it!!!!!! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!! TRY!!!
Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (the King James says... "less we faint not" )
So there ys go girl!!!! DO GOOD! Whatever it is you do! Do it GOOD! unless you faint of course... *L*... I love that part... God has a great sense of humor...*:*
So today... tell someone how nice they look... tell someone how great they are.. be nice! Don't be out to destroy someone, instead.. lift them up!  My mother always said..." the neighbors are always watching you , so behave"  well  someone IS always watching you. So who are you? What do you do? Do something nice for someone and it always comes back to you. If you do somehting bad... that always comes back to you to!
Have a wonderful day and thank you for visiting my blog!!! I've got a sock monkey to finish today!  ciao!!!
Has anyone told you today how wonderful you are? *S* Well you are  wonderful!! :o)