Tuesday, December 21, 2010


OHHH yeah.. sock monkeys... DO YOU  HAVE ONE?  I never did. in fact.. I still have yet to make my own. ** writes down a personal note to self... make your sock monkey Kim! *** Ok so I have made about 35... I have made a hippie one....a Cat in the Hat... actually 2 of those... A Curious George...  funkey monkeys and far out monkeys. I have about 10 pairs of socks left and then I will be done. I have a very special sock monkey "in route" hahaha... can't say more than that. So... pictures will be posted soon. Come back! See them! I took pics of every monkey I've made.  I will share some techniques, the patterns.. some important facts that you might want to know before you make your own. AND... I made the cutest sock bunnies last Easter... AND some funky thingamajiggerswhatevertheyare....LOL.....Stay tuned....

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