Friday, December 24, 2010



MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Well almost... lets think Sock Monkeys for next year... hmmm... Ive got a few I am finishing up today... Here are a few I have made... will post all of them eventually: I made the Grinch for one of my daughters, I made the Curious George for my Principals' grandson. I made that one hippie one for a friend at work who is always giving me something. I have made 2 Cat in the Hats ( they were the best! ) and gave one to my sons' Crama Teacher when the class was doing "Suessical the Musical " .And the other one I sold to my dear friend for her little girl. I have made so many! I love them!!! I will share the pattern later. Right now I gotta get up off this puter and  get busy!! Have a wonderful day! Its the most wonderful time of the year... celebrating the birth of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
God Bless you!!!

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